I thought for sure this was a dude that I was dealing with. No way in hell can a biological female be this horny. At the very least, this has got to be some really old wrinkled up nasty, feisty piece of shit from Eastern Europe. Sure enough, we agreed to meet at White Castle restaurant parking lot. She came as advertised. We’re talking about a tight body, sexy accent and everything as advertised, blond hair, blue eyes, the whole nine yards.
So, to cut a long story short, I banged the fuck out of her. So, I was thinking after that experience, that it was a one-off thing. That’s the kind of guy I am. I’m extremely skeptical. I don’t believe in anything. I’m very distrustful. So, I thought to myself, hey, that’s just a one-shot deal. Well, sure enough, I checked my inbox again. There were a lot of other women there and I just went through the list. I set up all these dates and at the back of my head I’m thinking that most of these will fall through.
Well, I’m telling you right now, 80 percent conversion rate doesn’t lie. I got my dick up by 80 percent of those women. My friend Rolando is now my best friend. We just go on hookup dates together and this shit is off the hook. So, if you’re thinking of entering the amazing world of local sexhookups, I definitely recommend it. Whatever issues you may have regarding trust or belief, you might want to set that aside.
If you have an open mind and you believe this shit will work, then you’ll be able to achieve your goal. Your goal, of course, is to get laid. That’s the bottom line. If you believe, you will achieve. I’m a very skeptical guy. In fact, I consider myself the most skeptical person in the world. But if I can hook up, so can you.